Healing crystals – an everlasting myth
(This event will be in English)
No, crystals don’t have magical healing powers.
Such beliefs can actually be harmful. After a brief introduction we invite for an open discussion about this and other claims that warrant skepticism.
Speaker: Magnus Timmerby
Organized by Vetenskap och Folkbildning Skåne (VoF Skåne) and Humanisterna
Time: 2 October at 18:00
Place: Purgatorio mat & ölhall
Address: Stora Södergatan 8B, Lund
Link to Facebook-event here
Link to Google calendar event here
Skeptics in the Pub (abbreviated SITP) is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and social networking among skeptics, critical thinkers, freethinkers, rationalists and other like-minded individuals. It provides an opportunity for skeptics to talk, share ideas and have fun in a casual atmosphere, and discuss whatever topical issues come to mind, while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality.
All are welcome!