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Bokmässan, VoFTV

Eric Rådstam from Estoniaveckan – About the Estonia ferry disaster

The Estonia ferry disaster affected almost everyone in Sweden, directly or indirectly. Almost 30 years later, some people still feel that there are questions about what really happened. Conspiracy theories are rampant and have been fueled by the dubious documentary series from 2020 that was "rewarded" with the Swedish Skeptics Association's "Obscurantist of the Year" award. Eric Rådstam is the person behind the YouTube channel Estoniaveckan ("The Estonia Week") and works tirelessly to review and compile the credibility of all the information circulating. He also maintains a continuous dialog with interested parties to inform and guide them through the extensive material available in the Estonia collection. How well was the disaster handled by the Swedish authorities? What really happened? How can we determine what is reliable information and what is unfounded speculation? Eric Rådstam is interviewed by Pontus Böckman, member and former chairman of the board of the Swedish Skeptics Association. Estoniaveckan can be found here

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